Well, we moved into our new apartment which doesn’t allow Ferrets and our new dog Conner wants to nom on them, so now we have to find them a new home. I am demanding that my boyfriend, Chris, be very picky when selling them. Not because I am a snobby Ferret mommy, but because I know that Ferrets are not for me, despite how cute, playful and funny they are. This blog will go over what Ferrets are like as pets and what they need from you in order to be happy little animals.
So you want a cute and playful Ferret? Answer these questions…
1.) Are Ferrets legal where you live?
A. You have to check with you landlord or city to see if they actually do allow Ferrets.
2.) Can you afford 2 ferrets?
A. Ferrets are very social animals and love to sleep and play with each other.
3.) Will you be able to let your ferrets out of their cage for at least 4 hours a day? It does not have to be 4 hours in a row.
A. Ferrets usually sleep 18-20 hours a day. The rest of the time they need to be out exercising their little long bodies and their brain.
4.) Can you afford the continuing cost of the Ferrets
A. Ferrets need upkeep to from the vet and of course they need toys, bedding and food.
IV. (same as #2) http://www.peteducation.com/article.cfm?c=11+2072&aid=530
5.) Can you Ferret proof the Ferrets play area?
A. Be sure you can properly Ferret proof your home. They will find away into anything!
6.) Will your other pets conflict with the Ferret?
A. Be sure your current pets are okay with the Ferrets. Ferrets aren’t really scared of any animal, they are just fun-loving!
7.) Are you patient enough to deal with missing items?
A. Ferrets love to steal, but they usually hide all the stolen items in one place (under the couch.)
9.) Are you okay when a Ferret has an accident outside of the little box and possibly on your carpet?
A. Ferrets are perfect with potty training and could poop and pee on you carpet and keep on doing it if you do not clear their scent from the area.
8.) Why are you looking to get a ferret? Are you wanting something that cuddles or just a playmate?
A. Some ferrets are cuddly and some are just playful. Ferrets defiantly have their own personalities.
I hope this helps you decide if you are your family is ready for a ferret or not. If you have any questions, post a comment and I will reply!